Software Solution

- How much the Project cost and when will it be completed?

- Are we achieving the economic and financial targets for the actual period (year)?

- What is the degree of the current forecast reliability?

- Where can the performance be improved?

Often, even the most advanced organizations that operate on multi-year large-projects, which have made considerable investments in ERP systems and in Planning Systems, are still lacking appropriate and effective Enterprise Project Control solutions.

The most common work around is the use of MS-Excel spreadsheets, often of great size, linked together by complex formulas which are manually fed with information collected from different systems.

The complexity of the sheets joined together, combined with the number of processed data makes too time consuming the maintenance of information and not reliable the quality of the results obtained.

Piemme Group consultants, in order to meet the needs expressed over the past twenty years by many Engineering and Construction companies with which they have had collaborated, did design and develop a software solution Bridge EPC which is a relevant part of an overall effective and sustainable Enterprise Project Control solution.

This solution makes possible:

-  supporting the processes of planning and control carried out over the entire life-cycle of projects by all stakeholders;

-  acquiring, processing and distributing the informations form/to the various Enterprise Systems (ERP, Scheduling, etc.);

-  integrating informations obtained from other Enterprise Systems with those not available on them (enrichment);

-  facilitating the activities carried out daily by all those who are engaged in the planning and control activity inside the operational departments (Engineering, Procurement, Construction).

Our Company


Via G. Carducci 5/4 sc. sn - 16121 GENOVA
Tel. 010 40 75 751 - Fax 010 40 74 447
Cod. Fisc. e Partita IVA 03171000106
R.E.A. GE 323875 - Reg. Imprese GE 53691
The company was founded in 1984 and since then has been working exclusively in Project & Construction Management.

In 1993 Piemme joint-ventured with the American company O’Brien & Kreitzberg (world leader in pure Project & Construction Management) acquiring skills, methodologies and the most advanced support tools that later constituted the Bridge platform.

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