
Business user's support included in the maintenance and service contract is normally activated by customers and is done by our help desk which is able to solve the problems raised by those who exercise every day the Project Planning and Control activities.

The support more frequently required concerns the interpretation of real or alleged anomalies that can occurr during remote transactions on the source systems or because of calculations performed by Bridge which bring results that do not match the expectations of users.

A further type of support concerns the operational use of the system.

Such support is generally required by new users whose start has not been accompanied by a training finalized both to understand the general logic of the system and to learn the correct way to use the features of the modules used.

Our Company


Via G. Carducci 5/4 sc. sn - 16121 GENOVA
Tel. 010 40 75 751 - Fax 010 40 74 447
Cod. Fisc. e Partita IVA 03171000106
R.E.A. GE 323875 - Reg. Imprese GE 53691
The company was founded in 1984 and since then has been working exclusively in Project & Construction Management.

In 1993 Piemme joint-ventured with the American company O’Brien & Kreitzberg (world leader in pure Project & Construction Management) acquiring skills, methodologies and the most advanced support tools that later constituted the Bridge platform.

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