BRIDGE.…. not only a software


The collaboration

We can’t win the games playing alone. Complex situations require the participation of a whole team!

Projects, even those that appear simple, require the continued collaboration of multiple stakeholders involved in achieving a common goal.

The prevalence of selfishness, often accompanied by the need to cover individual shortfalls, prevents to operate with the level of transparency and collaboration necessary to optimize the overall performance.

This phenomenon is not negligible because the behaviours that are put in place at different levels of responsibility favoring self-interest, even at the expenses of a common goal do not favor the application of solutions that, to be effectives, require the active participation of all stakeholders.

Bridge promotes and supports collaboration!


Our Company


Via G. Carducci 5/4 sc. sn - 16121 GENOVA
Tel. 010 40 75 751 - Fax 010 40 74 447
Cod. Fisc. e Partita IVA 03171000106
R.E.A. GE 323875 - Reg. Imprese GE 53691
The company was founded in 1984 and since then has been working exclusively in Project & Construction Management.

In 1993 Piemme joint-ventured with the American company O’Brien & Kreitzberg (world leader in pure Project & Construction Management) acquiring skills, methodologies and the most advanced support tools that later constituted the Bridge platform.

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